Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Celebrity knitter

Elizabeth: Oh, Mummy, do look at this. I have just turned the heel all by myself.

Mummy: You are a clever girl! I think you could take over running the country. Don't you think so Daddy?

Daddy: Yes, I am sure she can, but she will need to finish that second sock, before I let her give it a try.

Margaret: That is so unfair. Elizabeth gets to do everything first - running the country, learning to knit and you will probably find a prince for her to marry one day, too.

Mummy: Don't worry about it. Running a country is really not all it is cracked up to be.

Elizabeth: What a silly girl you are. I will have to marry a fusty old prince, but you will be able to choose whomever you like. Won't she Mummy?

Sulky Margaret: Oh, whatever! Mummy, when are we going to stop these silly poses for the photographer? I want to kick off my shoes again and put my feet up on the couch.

1 comment:

Keppy Girl Knits said...

Ahhhhh, there is that finishing the second sock thing again!!! You can still be clever and not have completed knitting two socks!