Friday, July 15, 2011

Bob and Clarissa

Bob: Hey, Clarissa. You look so cool today.

Clarissa: I know, Bob.This dress is just the thing, so swingingly modern. I just feel like dancing.

Bob: Me too, well singing actually. I am going to join a band and play my guitar.

Clarissa: Join a band? You are such a nerd in your grandpa button up cardigan! No band would have you.

Bob: Why not? This is a bright red cardigan, which is trendy and look at my knitted tie. That is special.

Clarissa: Next thing, you will tell me that your barometer is a guitar. What are you doing with that anyway?

Bob: (mumbling) Well, I just thought I would see how I looked with a geet and well, you know, ...I think I look pretty cool myself. (Thinks to himself: that girl has such a way of making a man feel like a like a complete idiot)

Clarissa: (Thinks to herself: that man is a complete idiot)


sewdoc said...

I think they are so cool : developing a style of their own! Anybody knows you can play the guitar better if you have a red, button-down cardigan!

Nixie said...

Oh heavens, I have tears running down my cheeks - that was brilliant!

Nixie said...

That was brilliant! I have tears running down my cheeks. Thank you!