Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January - a new beginning or more of the same?

We are a week into January and I have not posted to the blog yet, nor started any major knitting project, nor caught up with myself at work, and the house is a mess. All in all, not a very encouraging start to the year.

But today all that will change. My post Christmas blues have lifted, I have a new project to put on the needles and I am raring to go.

This morning I opted to go with my husband to Brits, the nearest local town and a very dreary place indeed. But it has one great plus. There is an Elna shop in the Pick'n' Pay shopping centre which sells wool - yes real wool and lots of it in greater variety than is normally seen in South Africa. So I started a stash! Up till now I have not actually had a stash - just a few odd balls of yarn that don't really count. Now I have some merino for the apple mac cover which will be felted. I have a lovely teal for my own EPS ski sweater and some mohair for a shawl. Fortunately my husband was driving, so I even did a swatch for the ski sweater on the way home. I'll haul out "Knitting without tears" tonight and work out what I need to cast on to get started. I must get to that shop more often - its less than a half hour away.

The pic is of the water lilies in one of the ponds which are in the estate we live in. They are indigenous to SA, like all the plants in this estate.

Back to work now - lets get the working day over so that the fun can begin.