Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Mountain Break

We have managed a getaway to the Drakensberg for a week. Its our favourite place. Nothing like the clean mountain air, the solitude, the majestic views to nourish ones soul. I really feel we needed it. The last few weeks have been rather trying, but I can't remember why now - it all seems so distant. I think the troubles were related to a house breaking, car hassles requiring enormous amounts of money to get sorted out, power outages and an inexplicable electrical problem which causes the lights to trip in our nearly new house. All this together with the news that my dear husband needs a new hip, the constant noise and bad driving in the small town we live in which is rapidly becoming a city, has stressed us out.

But enough of that - we are here for a few days, away from the hustle and bustle and more determined than ever that we will change our lifestyle in the next couple of years. We want to live in the country again. We don't need shops and malls and movies and the small amount of culture that we do get we can easily cram into a short visit to the city once a year or so.

I have also managed to do a bit of knitting - I have finished two hats which are part of the knitted gifts for family in the UK collection which will accompany me there later this year. Now, in the peace, and looking at the view you see above I am fiddling about with the small amount of stash which I brought along on the trip, wondering what to do next. I must say, I did not plan this well enough - the yarn does not match the odd assortment of needles which I threw into the knitting basket, but never mind, I will get creative. Here are the hats which have been artfully posed against the mountain backdrop.


Jenny said...

That looks like a lovely place!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only knitter who doesn't knit socks :)

Vikki said...

"I must say, I did not plan this well enough - the yarn does not match the odd assortment of needles which I threw into the knitting basket"
I just got back from my trip and did the same thing!! After I finished the jersey I thought I would start crocheting another poncho ... only I had no crochet hooks!!!